A successful website hinges on so much more than merely aesthetics. Careful analysis of consumer wants and needs coupled with strategic execution is critical to the delivery of a successful product. At AllAboutJoomla.com, our methodology marries targeted marketing goals with the best that design has to offer.

We have 4 major phases within a project life cycle:

  • Discovery
  • Conceptualization
  • Implementation
  • Deployment

These high-level phases all depend on numerous deliverables and milestones to move the project forward. Our seasoned team of project managers are here to help guide you through the process with clarity and ease. So, where do we start?


The first step in your project will be the Discovery Phase.
It is during this phase that our team spends a lot of time getting to know you and your business. We will need to determine:

  • What are your marketing objectives for this project?
  • Who is your audience and what are their expectations?
  • What message are you trying to convey?
  • What is the competitive landscape and what are the industry best practices?

Once we achieve a thorough understanding of your place in the market and your business needs, we will make tactical recommendations of how to best achieve your goals. As your marketing team, we will help you make strategic decisions about the course of the project and it will impact your overall marketing scheme.


The information that we uncover during this phase will provide us with the roadmap for our Conceptualization Phase. This is where the fun begins! Our designers take the inspiration you've provided them and come up with a concept for your review - keeping in mind usability, best design practices, and ease-of-use. Designing the look and feel for your site is just one deliverable of this phase.

Determining the architecture of your site by developing a detailed site map. If there is any technical development, we will need to make sure that the design of the functionality meets all of our usability standards.


Now that we have decided on the look of your site and have identified all of the pages that will need to be constructed, we are ready to start constructing the site in our Implementation Phase. With a finalized design in hand, our team is ready to construct the pages of your site. During this phase we will do the following:

  • Construct the navigational architecture with usability best practices
  • Propagate all pages with graphics and content
  • Code any technical requirements into the site - including eCommerce functionality and any interactivity
  • Create all the 'bells and whistles' like Flash animations, dynamic menus, and multimedia components

Also, during this phase, our Usability Engineer will go through the site to ensure that we have met our internal standards of making the site "dirt simple" to use. Once all of this is completed, we will assign a Quality Assurance resource to pour through the site making sure that everything works impeccably. We are now ready to enter our Deployment Phase.


The fourth and final phase of your project is the Deployment Phase. So your site has been built. When will this site go live?

Prior to going-live we will need to do the following:

Thoroughly test your website to assure a flawless user experience. We have our Quality Assurance department give the stamp of approval for meeting project requirements, usability and technical standards, and design excellence
Determine a launch plan to promote your site (marketing collateral, ads, email blasts, etc.)

You are now ready to show your site to the rest of the world! Our team will submit your site to the appropriate search engines and if you would like we can begin a robust Search Engine Marketing Campaign that will help catapult your site to the top of the search engines.

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